By Anne ClarkeHandbags and designer handbags have skyrocketed past the utilitarian into the ultra fashionable must-have item for many women and even men.
Hobo bags, totes, messenger bags, clutches, and satchels are just a few of the styles of handbags being manufactured by major fashion houses and replica companies the world over. These status symbols are so ever-present that wealthy people often have a different bag for every outfit or mood!
If you've been living in a cave for the past century, here are some explanations of the flamboyant styles being seen on the streets of the planet, from L.A. to Milan.
Hobo bags, totes, messenger bags, clutches, and satchels are just a few of the styles of handbags being manufactured by major fashion houses and replica companies the world over. These status symbols are so ever-present that wealthy people often have a different bag for every outfit or mood!
If you've been living in a cave for the past century, here are some explanations of the flamboyant styles being seen on the streets of the planet, from L.A. to Milan.